Wednesday, September 24, 2014

MoFo #24: Beyond Meat Beefy Tacos

I tried the Beyond Meat chicken a while ago, but did not really like it. The texture freaked me out. But I wanted to give Beyond Meat a second chance with their beef-style crumbles. I figured the crumbles were less likely to have texture issues. I picked up a bag of the regular crumbles knowing tacos would be in my future! I sauteed some onion, garlic, bell pepper, and cherry tomatoes before adding the crumbles to the skillet. The package said to be careful to not overcook. I added the crumbles when I put the shells into the oven to crisp. I used a pre-made taco seasoning packet for convenience. When the shells were crispy, I added a scoop of the crumbles with veggies, then topped with sliced avocado, a sprinkle of nooch, and spinach (instead of lettuce). NOM NOM NOM.
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