Wednesday, October 1, 2014

MoFo: The Misc, Part 1

As promised, here are some of the leftover photos that didn't make it into a MoFo post. I have a bunch more that I will share tomorrow. :)

Radical Eats - falafel burger with mashed potatoes, enchiladas with cashew cream  photo c9637f96-9edf-4e43-89d9-c4a73eeada60_zps7fd2ade5.jpg  photo 4bfb2777-e7f0-4bb6-99b3-43bbf255aa66_zpsacc395ee.jpg

Fadi's platter - check out that muhammara - waiting on my falafel.  photo fa431b02-ccf5-4735-93d0-9abc42262daf_zps2d2d1933.jpg

 photo IMG_3507_zps78889aa2.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'd like to get in touch with you but couldn't find your email address.

    I'm working with a bunch of other Vegan bloggers to beta test a community chat tool for blogs called Typepath. Vegansaurus, Red Hot Vegans and a bunch of others are participating and I thought you'd be interested. You have a great blog.

    You can email me at joe [at]

