Friday, March 1, 2013


I love brinner! That means breakfast for dinner. I decided to have pancakes and tofu "bacon" tonight. I pressed the tofu yesterday in my Tofu Xpress and marinated it overnight. It was way better than tempeh bacon. I just can't get past tempeh's bitterness, even with a steaming or simmering step. The recipe is from Vegan with a Vengeance. I had all the ingredients already to make these vegan pancakes, except I used ground flax seed instead of chia seeds. I have yet to make a perfectly round and fluffy pancake, but these were pretty darn good. They have maple syrup in them and I topped them with more maple syrup. I also made a shake using soy milk, frozen bananas, and Justin's chocolate hazelnut butter. Yum! Definitely a fun way to end a so-so week! :)
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