In the spot that used to be occupied by my beloved
Pizza Fusion is a new restaurant called
Christopher's Kitchen. It's a high-raw vegan restaurant with its own
fb page. Since it's raw food, the breads are made by dehydrating instead of baking. My mom came to visit me this weekend so we went to Christopher's Kitchen for brunch today. Three meals, three drinks (juice, coffee, and a smoothie), and three desserts with tip was ~$100... A little pricey for a regular day, but we were celebrating. :)
My plate - Malibu Roll

My mom's plate - French toast with a cream made of nut milk

Jess's plate - Nori "tuna" pate (nut-based) with onion bread, Mediterranean hummus, and tabouli

Dessert case
We got a dark chocolate bar with a caramel center, a mint chocolate heart, and a "milk" chocolate heart dipped in dark chocolate.

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